Formal Data Validation Tutorial at ABZ 2014, Toulouse
At the occasion of the ABZ 2014 conference, a tutorial on formal data validation is organized at ENSEEIHT together with workshops (see details here). The...

Atelier B 4.2.1 Free
Atelier B 4.2.1 Free is available for download. It corrects the errors related to the introduction of the new tool bxml and the lack of default values for the...

Bxml errors with Atelier B 4.2 Free
New bxml tool included in atelier B 4.2 Free is not working properly as required resources are missing. When used, error messages "Bxml error for ..." are...

Atelier B 4.2 Community Edition has been released on December 19, 2014. This release brings 151 bug corrections and 47 improvements. Among...

b2llvm: B developments onto the LLVM
David Deharbe - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil Abstract: In this talk we describe a multi-platform code generator for the B...

ABZ 2014
ABZ 2014 conference was held from June 2d to 6th in Toulouse. It was attended by about 120 people and allowed B, Z, ASM, Alloy and VDM communities to meet...